The Al Shamal Divan

The officers of our Divan have the following titles:

  • Illustrious Potentate
  • Chief Rabban
  • Assistant Rabban
  • High Priest & Prophet
  • Oriental Guide
  • Treasurer
  • Recorder

As with the Imperial Divan, the seven officers of Al Shamal’s Divan are elected to one-year terms of service. The ultimate goal is to move up the line to eventually become the Potentate. The Treasurer and Recorder do not move up the line. They retain these offices for as long as they are elected. The Illustrious Potentate appoints the remainder of the appointed Divan following his election in January.

Our Annual Meeting is on a Saturday in January, and is open to all Nobles in good standing. All Nobles in good standing have the right to vote on all matters that are brought up at the Annual Meeting. It is at this meeting that we elect the Illustrious Potentate and the other officers, our Trustees (who have the responsibilities of overseeing the proper use and care of our physical property), our Administrators (who are responsible for investing and overseeing our capital funds), and our representatives to the Imperial Council Session. We also hear reports form the Treasurer, the Recorder and various committee chairmen. So be absolutely sure that you attend the annual meeting and exercise your franchise. Stated business meetings are held once in every quarter. All Nobles should attend the Stated Business meetings.

In addition to the Annual Meeting, regular monthly dinner meetings are held on the first Monday (Tuesday where Monday is a holiday) of each month (except July and August). Reports are made and general information disseminated. The monthly meetings provide an opportunity to visit with Nobles from in and out of town in a social setting.